Invoice Auditing

You should not have to monitor carrier invoices to uncover billing errors. Monitoring
invoices takes time, money, and precious resources. Yet, if you are like most
companies, leaving carrier invoices unchecked is costing you more than you realize.

Most companies do not have sophisticated analytical tools that crunch the numbers,
find the errors, create easy to understand reports, and communicate directly with
carriers to correct errors and recover money. Kenco Parcel Solutions does.

Kenco Parcel Solutions audits carrier invoices for accurate billing, guaranteed delivery,
excessivecharges and other possible carrier errors. Kenco Parcel Solutions makes all client
information available in user friendly reports. Kenco Parcel Solutions does the leg-work to
get your money back. Most companies have no idea how much money they leave on the
table every month. Kenco Parcel Solutions will help you recover savings you did not
know were available.